Medical Registry Manager
Paperless web app for registering and fast lookup of medical registry.

This project was for the company Cardon Medical Center, where I worked for 6 months making this project.

✔ What did the project do and what problems did it solve? It help to easily found the location of a document on the storage. It help to the department of hospitalization to keep record of who was hospitalized and where. It help to keep record and understand how this medical center is working about hospitalization with reports and graphs.

✔ What were your individual contributions? I develop this software from scratch using a existing excel spreadsheet and with the help of the people from the department of medical records.

✔ What tech stack was it built on? WAMP which stand for Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP with frontend on JQuery and Bootstrap, HTML/CSS

✔ How long did you work on this project? 6 months

✔ How many other developers worked on this project with you? This medical center is not willing to invest on developers for them self, so it was my, myself and I. Good reason for leaving the site after finishing this project.

This project is a WebApp started on 2015-11-01 and the technologies involved in the making of it are the following



Bootstrap 3


Windows Server

Microsoft Office Excel

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First screen of this web app


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Screen of hospitalization showing all people hospitalized, this part is used by the nurses of the clinique.


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Medical Registry lookup by National ID number, name and Medical ID code.


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Graph showing report information


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Administration part of the system showing features and compatibility.


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Administration part showing the doctor database manager


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Hospitalization's UX entry form layout


Junior Jimenez

Matilde Cedeño

Luis Zavala

Maginot Gutiérrez

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